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COC Revalidation course reduced to 3 days for Marine Engineers. Procedure to revalidate MEO COC.

In yet another instance of seafarer friendly move , Director General of Shipping has issued a circular no. 143 of 2018 dated 26.March.2018 which reduces the COC Revalidation course duration from 11 days to ONLY 3 days.
This move is beneficial for Seafarers at large as 11 days RUT course was waste of time and money. Specially Engineers working abroad were facing tremendous problem as they had to leave their work for a month and come to India in order to revalidate their COC.
Also whole application process has been made online which will again provide relief to Seafarers as they don't have to run to MMD again and again.
Requirements for Revalidation of COC are same as before. New procedure is as follows :
Procedure for Revalidation of Marine Engineer Officers COC:
All of the following need to be fulfiled for revalidation of COC
1.  Undertake the Refresher and Updating training course for revalidation (three days
course) in an approved training institute conducting the course.

2. Meet the standards of medical fitness as prescribed in the Merchant Shipping
(Medical Examination) Rules 2000 as amended and the STCW Code;

3. Complete the approved Refresher training course for
  • Personal Survival Techniques (PST),
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boat other than Fast Rescue Boats(PSCRB),
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF) /Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF),
  • Medical first Aid (MFA)
wherever such certificates are five years old.

On fulfillment of above requirements and submission of online application, Certificate of Competency shall be revalidated and revalidation sticker will be dispatched to candidate.
On receipt of revalidation sticker, candidate will have to paste the same in his CoC.

The requirements of this notice are to be complied in totality at the time of Revalidation of CoC which are already upgraded to 2010 STCW amendments and the requirements of this Refresher and Updating Training Course for revalidation of engineer officers will come into force with effect from l st April 2018.